Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A few roars and a big bite by the talking cat - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews

Simply too simple. The Movie just couldn't live up to the written book. There's no character development and you won't know why. You will have No idea why the heck, these kids were chosen to be The King and Queen in this Narnia. You won't know What this big talking Cat is? Who's the Star for this movie? - Talking Cat, The Lion Aslan? Then, why do we know so little of it in this movie? Too little Aslan in action - Roaring, scrathing, a big bite and a few chit chatting ain't called action. Is the Cat that close with the Girls?I didn't see them talking at all.(The chicks were crying about the Death of the Cat) - The kids? Who cares about the lousy sword fight kids (Peter and Edmund) (they sucks - no skill) (the Centaurs, Cheetahs and Rhino, even the flying-talking-four legged bird stole the show) or the girls (Susan and Lucy) who have no talent in arrow and bow (pure negative energy for the battle). - The Ice Queen? She ain't that evil? She's like my mum that would yell and punish or silent us with her stick. She needs more Saruman's Evilish Character(LOTR) - The talking animal? Yeahh.. they look like a bunch of better actors and actresses I would say, this movie should have concentrated more on the character development and story development plus if it's about action movie, please bring in more action scenes. Please don't produce the 2nd movie with the same concept... it bores, coz I have seen it all. Movie timeline. Chap1 Bombing at London - Enemy At the Gates (Plane Bombing) + Twister (Running into the Shelter) Chap2 Going to the mansion by train - Harry Potter (Train Ride) Chap3 Found the Way to Narnia - Never Ending Story Chap4 Meeting with Aslan - Lion King Chap4 Bonus - Aslan is Dead and Alive - The Passion of Christ??? Chap5 Battle of Narnia - LOTR + Troy Chap6 Crowning the Kings and Queens - StarWars - New Hope (ending) p.s. did I mention Santa was in the movie too??? Merry X'mas.. ho ho ho...

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