Friday, September 21, 2007

Omg could it have been any better?!?!?!!! - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews

I'm still on a high, i got home only half an hour ago. There was a little girl in front of me in the queue for tickets tonight, she was anxious and asking her dad how long it would be till she could see this film, she said "i've been waiting all week!" I tapped her on the shoulder and said, "I've been waiting most of my life!!" And golly was the wait worth it. Characters could not have been more perfectly cast. As with Lord of the Rings, it was as if the casting director had reached in my head and taken my images of the characters and made them flesh! Even the CGI characters were perfect, and as for Aslan.. well, you have to se it to understand. There are many comparisons and references to Narnia and Lord of the rings, and there are similarities of course as Lewis and Tolkien were best friends and founding members of a writing club that met in pubs to share their stories in England back in the day. I cannot recommend highly enough this film and the message it conveys. GO AND SEE IT!!

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