Thursday, September 27, 2007

Loved it! - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews

I loved the movie. If you are a Christian, you should easily be able to see the types of Christ, (Aslan) and sinful man (Edmond) Satan (White Witch) sin's deception, and enslavement. The required payment for the penalty of sin (treason against the law, "don't eat of this tree Adam" ) and how satan (white witch) is the "accuser of the brethren". But how the law requires the blood of the guilty, but there is a way of escape, which is the blood of the completely innocent (Christ/Aslan) to pay for the sin of the guilty, and that is what Aslan (Christ) "chooses" to do. Available redemption through the blood of Christ, and the resurrection and final triumph of God, over sin, death, satan, evil is all here, in a fabulous presentation of the type. My whole family thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I can't say enough good about it. I hope it knocks hollywood's socks off. Just think, a family movie without one homosexual love triangle shoved down our throats, not one curse word, not one nude or love/sex scene, and people still love it! What will they think of next??

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