Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pretty cool, handful of disappointments - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews

No plot spoilers here. The movie was cool, but had a handful of disappointments that kept it from being great. Mostly visual disappointments. Many scenes with the wolves (usually from a slight distance) looked fake, like, really computer generated looking. Pretty much all of the other creatures in Narnia looked awesome. There were some scenes with the kids in which they didn't look like they were actually IN the scene. Like, they didn't match with the background, and stood out from it. Almost like they were standing in front of a screen that was showing the world behind them. Also, the short time you see a couple of giants on the white witch's side... they looked rediculous. Like a couple of tall guys you'd pass in the store while shopping. There were also some fairly boring parts to the movie... unless I was just tired, which is possible. On the upside, other than those, the visuals were pretty good. The battle scenes completely rocked - some of the best I've seen in a movie. The acting was good, although the little girl always seemed like she was smiling even when I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be upset. I'm also guessing the movie would have been cooler if I didn't remember all of the main events from when I read the book many years ago. Overall, I'd say it was definitely worth seeing!

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