Thursday, September 20, 2007

A true fan....a true disapointment - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Reviews

I've been a loyal fan of the Chronicles ever since i was about 13( i'm 29 now), and I can still remember the sheer magic i entered into one cold day i was flipping thru the tv channels and came across this strange, inchanting, story being played out on public televison. Of course that was the BBC production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe way back in the late 80's(or early 90's). After that day i fell in love with the concept and read all the books and was hooked into Narnia. Yes we all know by now that we've grown up some is that that production in many ways was very low budget and sometimes cheesy and corny. But...the rest that was there was pure magic...and now fast forward to the present...when we've all been waiting now for years and years to finaly see it done with today's technology and fully show Narnia's full wide scape. Well last night during a midnight showing I finally got my wish.....but then slowy....and then very hurrily wish got crushed. There are actually too many things about the movie that i didnt like to mention i think....where do i start????....i'm so very disapointed....ok well not 100%.....but still to wait for this for all these years and now get this...its very sad...I dont exactly know whos fault it is....Disney....the director...the screenwriters.....Hollywood....a little of all i i guess lets get to the dissapointments....and i'm sorry if i tend too much to compare this new movie to that of the BBC production but I cant help it, that one stuck to the matierial much better.....anyway first...I do agree with alot of other reviewers the music was pretty uninspirering and lame....the beginning of the movie was horrible...that really wasnt needed(the bombings..or least the way they did them)....The WHOLE movie seemed way too RUSHED first off ...every scene!...where was the introduction to the professor?....the entry into the wardrobe by Lucy was ok....but still never got that great sense of wonder and excitment..seemed to rushed....the woods around Lantern Waste seemed very fake and too well's suppose to be night time!...I honestly really didnt care for James as Tumnus....he played it too modern, too young. But his faun legs were pretty good. The first scene we see the White Witch is one of my very favorites in the book and BBC movie....and of course they messed it up....the whole scene again seemed very rushed....I liked when she first pulled up...but the dwarf should'nt "capture" Edmund like that...and then Tilda played it down wayyy too much i thought....she didnt even seemed suprised at seeing a human...i would have loved her to camp it up a little bit...i mean she is Jadis...she isnt human, thats the point she came from a dying world and she was ruthless...i think she played her too human most of the time....her eyes were great though....i think Tilda was best at the Stone table scene(although Barbara Kellerman in the BBC edition was very over-the-top ..she was far more true to the character than Tilda's)..thats when she really felt into the character the most to me...father christmas scene also was very strange and rushed...didnt really like mr. beavers character in the movie at all....the captain of the secert police..his voice..hated that, why was his accent AMERICAN? No presents to mr. and mrs. beaver???. really hated the frozen waterfall scene. that wasnt needed and took time from other things.... there was no Edmund struggling within himself...Tumnus in the cell wasnt needed, nor was effetive...not much back history shown of narnia at all..not much showing of the wonderful landscapes either....again the stone table scene with all the witche's minons was pretty good(prob the closet i came to being satisfied in the whole thing)....everything after seemed very fast....and they didnt show Aslan getting everyone out of the witches giant Rumblebuffin lines?? showing of Aslan FLYING with the girls???...the battle was at some points nicely done...but overall if they would have given a little more time to fill narnia out...make it a little more fantasical...i dont know...the whole thing seemed like too much, but also too little,... condensed into a fast-paced, americanized, Disney package. I know kids wont sit thru 3 hours much...but if you make it worthy enough to sit thru...then its possible ..was proved with LOTR and Potter. Sad after ALL these years of waiting...and HP and LOTR's getting much more an elegant and serious treatments...that Narnia had to end up like this.

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